We offer cellulite treatments that work— we’ve got you covered.
Cellulite Treatment Results

Our Approach to Treating Cellulite
An initial consultation and in-depth analysis of the areas to be treated
Proposal of an effective treatment plan adapted to your type of cellulite
Beginning of treatments with several follow-ups throughout treatments to ensure their effectiveness
What Is Cellulite?
Regardless of the hormonal causes that promote its appearance, cellulite results from the storage of fat in adipocytes (fat cells of the hypodermis) and from water retention in the dermis and hypodermis. Cellulite affects 90% of women and is more common in women than in men. As fat cells grow, the envelopes that contain them deform and pull on the skin’s anchor points. This results in an “orange peel” effect. This process is self-sustaining due to the slowing of circulation, resulting in stagnation of metabolic waste. This unsightly condition can also become painful if the pressure inside these pockets of fat increases.
The fatty structures of men and women do not react the same way in the event of an overload. The female hypodermis has “small compartments” separated by partitions. In women, these partitions are parallel to each other, like the rooms of an apartment. Under the action of grease and water which accumulate in these cubicles, the partitions are compressed and the microcirculation, which passes in these partitions like the electric wires in a wall, is hampered. In addition, under the effect of the pressure of the fat cells, they deform. But as these partitions are attached to the “ceiling”, the dermis, they pull on the surface of the skin while our chubby fat cells push towards this ceiling; because of course, the “cubicles” have limits to their expansion. In consequence, the skin is padded like a mattress and the fat and water are completely enclosed in this prison of hardened and fibrous connective tissue.
There are 3 types of cellulite:
Aqueous Cellulite: It is cellulite which is distinguished by poor blood circulation, retention of water accumulated in the affected limbs and skin that appears to be swollen. The skin takes on the appearance of an “orange peel” without being pinched and it lacks flexibility.
Adipose Cellulite: Caused by a bad diet and by an excess of weight. It is visible when you move or pinch the skin.
Fibrous Cellulite : Hard to the touch and can also be sensitive in some people. It is visible to the naked eye and is noticed by its many bumps and hollow dimples that have been there for a long time. It is the most difficult type of cellulite to treat.
Mixed Cellulite : It represents a mixture of the types of cellulite described above.
As you age, the appearance of cellulite can become more significant as skin also begins to sag. One of the roles of the skin barrier is to maintain a certain tension at the level of the hypodermis and muscles in order to keep everything tightened around the bones. When we lose this tension, a movement of fat cells forward can cause them to appear. When you are standing, just stretch the skin up. If the cellulite disappears, it is probably due to sagging skin.
There are different solutions to improve the appearance of cellulite.
Cellulite Distorts the Skin

What Causes Cellulite?
Genetics: A greater number of fat cells that are responsible for fat storage and their distribution. Also, the quality of the vessels responsible for blood circulation and of the enzymes which are responsible for emptying fat cells, etc.
Hormones: Female hormones such as estrogen and progesterone may be responsible for the distribution of fat in the lower limbs. They can also be responsible for an increase in water retention.
Muscular: The disposition, size and strength of the muscles.
Healthy living: Poor nutrition, lack of physical activity and bad lifestyle habits.
Stress: Stress promotes the installation of fat, increases water retention and the production of oxidants and can affect blood circulation.
Our Approach
It is important to know that there are various treatments that can improve the appearance of cellulite. An in-depth analysis of the affected areas and the selection of the right treatment is essential to achieving the expected results. At Infinium, we establish a treatment plan that will meet your expectations and respect your budget. Also, it is our duty to properly manage the expectations of our guests. Among the solutions we offer, we have several techniques available that can target cellulite of the aqueous, adipose and fibrous types.
For aqueous and fibrous cellulite, our technology targets water retention and improves the appearance of dimples. For adipose cellulite, we use a technique that destroys fat cells with cold temperatures.
As for cellulite, the appearance of which is accentuated by sagging skin, we use technology that stimulates the production of collagen. Since it can reach the deep layers of the skin and the hypodermis (3 dimensions), it not only firms the skin but also reduces body fat.
For skin that is very damaged on the surface, it is possible to rework the texture of the skin by using slightly more invasive techniques. Some techniques allow to remove “carrots” of skin at a depth of 5 mm, which is very effective in making the skin smoother on the surface.
For hollow, deep and isolated dimples, it is possible to make them less visible by filling them in with calcium-based filling agents.
During your consultation, we will be able to guide you towards a solution that will best meet your needs.